Banking & Financial Services

Banking & Financial Services

Intense competition and tech disruption are game changer for BFS. Personalisation and customer experience now deepened after the pandemic. Predicting the customer needs, providing services and resolving queries in no time to enhance customer experience is the new norm.Challenges facing BFS are growing at a rapid rate. New technology, new competitor, change in people’s expectations, changes in market structure/behaviour and a shifting digital landscape are placing increasing pressure on banking institutions to adapt and grow. Now, more than ever, it’s vital for your business to identify areas for improvement and come up with innovative solutions to achieve success.

Implementing advanced solutions within Banking and Financial Services comes with its industry-specific nuances and compliances with several regulatory requirements. Financial Institutions have to balance customer insights vs. customer privacy, model accuracy vs. transparency, and automation vs. human touch.

Our approach of value-based analytics has helped our BFS clients focus on value enhancement as well as value protection to achieve a significant impact on both top line and bottom line.

  • Fraud detection and prevention
  • Credit risk modeling
  • AI driven chatbot/virtual assistant
  • Customer 360 insights
  • Risk analysis and Monitoring
  • CLTV analysis 
  • Product recommendation Engine
  • Customer segmentation and personalized marketing
  • Optimize offer-mix and marketing channels to boost response
  • Targeted collections and recovery
  • Proactive churn management
  • RPA